

    Korea Domestic
    Character Designer Brand, GOOGIMS
    Making a More Fun Life with GOOGIMS

    Launched in 2001


    GOOGIMS COMPANY is a fashion brand who started
    with a motto 'For a More Fun Life' in November 2001
    in South Korea. GOOGIMS shows a differentiated
    design through the character and the graphic
    design, and has grown into a brand, which can
    deliver smile and hope in your daily life.

    For A More Fun Life


    Over the past ten years, we have made various
    efforts in different areas to help our customers
    having more joy in their life, through every step
    in the product’s process such as design, quality,
    distribution, sales and so on.

    On Sale to Consumers over 11 Countries


    GOOGIMS, a small designer brand which has started
    in South Korea, is currently available to consumers
    in 11 countries. We shall grow up to become an
    international brand, and be able to offer a happy
    daily life thanks to our clothes’ values all
    around the world.


    Our Thoughts and History


    When GOOGIMS COMPANY started, the local characters
    market was really limited at that time and most of
    the products were considered exclusively for children.
    What is the joy that our design can give? We are
    imagining happiness through our character episodes
    and messages. We want to give hope and challenge with
    our colors, campaigns and graphics.

    A company who designs a more fun life?

    Our motivation is called "Fun"


    Through fashion, we would like to take a role like a
    seasoning ingredient. Although we will not be able to
    eat it every day, we could not forget its taste.
    GOOGIMS only thinks of customers who will be happy
    thanks to our products. We imagine our customers’
    delight when they meet our happy GOOGIMS’ character.
    We always look at the product in a joyful point of
    view. We do not want to be a company who just sells
    a product but sells the joy and happiness, and let
    our customers feel it.

    A Sales Concept


    GOOGIMS COMPANY does not rush a sale. Designer puts
    a story in each product, and thinks, at first, of
    creating the values of the materials, production,
    and quality management one by one. We do not create
    products for a sale, but we design joy around us and
    want to convince our customers thanks to our happy
    thoughts. Therefore, we are extremely caring about
    the joy that our customers meet with our designs.
    And, our reward is to make them happy.

    We draw ourselves over ten years


    All our efforts of creating, planning, designing,
    getting the best quality of GOOGIMS started in South
    Korea but, are now introduced to the world beyond Asia.
    As character designer's brand, we are concerning about
    the direction and values of the work we do. GOOGIMS is
    challenging itself to make feel joy and happiness to
    its customers. We shall become the character’s brand
    of the world, thanks to our meticulous step by step
    progress planned on 10 years.



    Beginning of GOOGIMS COMPANY

    Persuaded by his parents, Mr Felix did not enter
    the Art School but went to an Engineering School.
    He started GOOGIMS when he was only a second-year
    college student. He always liked drawing and started
    posting his scribbles about his life’s vision.
    At that time, most of his cartoons series’ content
    were dealing with the reason of the life, its sense
    or break-up. Those stories were not as happy as they
    should be however, 2 years later, many fans
    appreciated his drawings and, persuaded by publishers,
    his work was published. It is at this moment that he
    found out that many people, more than he could have
    imagined, felt empathy toward his drawing by living
    similar experiences as its characters. Being an
    engineering student enable him to understand and
    approach the online shopping relatively early, with
    the help of his web programming’s friends. He put a
    lot of efforts trying to find out the determining
    elements of consumers’ purchasing. Nowadays,
    over 90% of GOOGIMS COMPANY sales are made online.
    And, GOOGIMS has created a stable and quality system
    to guarantee the best systemizing and professionalizing
    online system that we can provide. Please, expect Mr
    Felix and GOOGIMS’s future to be more and more
    funny every day.


    Other Story

    Various Stories

    GOOGIMS COMPANY is passionate and dedicated to
    create a more fun daily life. And also, we are
    working faithfully through a conscientious quality
    management. Please, come back for more stories.

    A Value to Build Together


    Design Award and Excellent Brand Certified


    Selected for the 2014 High Seoul Brand supervised
    by the Seoul Metropolitan City (six consecutive
    years); 2010 S.M.B.A Venture Business Certified;
    2009 U.S.A, Japan, China, EU International Brand
    Mark Right Certified; Participation in the
    International Fashion Fair in Tokyo, Japan;
    Awarded for the 2008 GD Design Award sponsored
    by M.T.I.E, Participation in Magic Show at U.S.A
    LV Magic Show Fashion Fair, Awarded for The
    Excellent Award in the field of Web Award Korea
    Fashion Brand, Selected for 2009 High Seoul Brand
    supervised by the Seoul Metropolitan City,
    Entry in 2007 for the Hong Kong Fashion Week,
    Awarded for Korea Venture Design Award invited
    by Seoul Sourcing Fair in 2005
    (three consecutive years until the 2007)


    100% Quality Controlled


    GOOGIMS COMPANY is creating various products.
    We are controlling the entire production of
    each product individually until the
    warehousing with the most strict quality
    management and inspection. Getting the best
    quality and being able to imagine the joy
    and happiness of our customers receiving
    our products is essential for our company.
    Also, we chose conscientiously the
    collaborators who help us to get our finished
    goods and, at the end, the product is having
    a strict inspection by our main office as well
    as our QC Room before being packaged.

    GOOGIMS Word Origin


    GOOGIMS is the combined word of 'GOOGIM' (wrinkle)
    and the plural form 'S'. The signification of
    our name reminds the wrinkle we are taking for
    each new year or, for each new complication in
    our daily life. The brand was called GOOGIMS
    FACTORY until 2004 when the name changed into

    I would like to introduce you
    the different collections
    products of


    GOOGIMS COMPANY is always putting a lot of effort
    to make a more happy daily life with
    passion. And also, we are working faithfully
    through a thorough quality management. Please
    comeback for more various stories

  • ORIGINAL series

    Original series, 2004

    The original series is a products’ line
    designed with the graphics of GOOGIMI and
    GOOGIMI’s father, which were presented Mr
    Felix’s cartoons in 2001. As far as the
    brand has been existing, the same concept
    is reflected and it can be resumed in our
    motto ‘For a more fun life’ and its
    designed often represents an illustration
    with a message to make people smile when
    they wear our cloth or look at it. The
    original series of GOOGIMS has been loved
    by fans since the beginning of the cartoon












  • FLY series

    Fly series, 2004

    The fly series is a products’ line, released by
    designing a logo such as the big wings, the symbol
    of wings’ shape, the fly tab, and the fly mini tab,
    to convey the idea of hope and challenge. The fly
    series was launched in 2004 and became
    a representative product, with the original series,
    of GOOGIMS’ brand. The collection tends to have a
    sporty feeling and can be worn easily by anyone.
    Moreover, the pretty designed wings were developed
    in various accessories and items released in the
    collection representing a crocodile, Thor Maximus,
    which opens its mouth sticking its head
    out of the water.












  • Teleporth series, 2006

    Teleporth Series

    The teleporth series is a composed word of
    'teleport' (the instant transport) and 'cloth'
    (the clothing). The teleporth series, is a
    street-line products launched in 2004, and is
    available for clothes, hats, bags and shoes
    which are suitable for any street-games
    (skateboard, bicycle…) Graphics contain street
    sport emotions with various graphics and messages.
    The wing logo embodied shows the fast movement,
    almost like an instant transport.







  • STORE location

    신사동 가로수길 스토어

    구김스 스토어 신사점은 가로수길에 위치하고 있으며
    주변에 유명한 카페, 음식점은 물론 다양한 편집샵들이 즐비하여
    패션 피플들이 즐겨찾는 핫 플레이스에 함께 있습니다.
    시즌마다 라이프 스타일을 소개하며 구김스 의류 및 가방, 모자 등
    대부분의 상품들이 전시되어 있으며, 비교적 넓은 공간에서 편안한 쇼핑을 즐기실 수 있습니다.
    필요에 따라 택배 발송 서비스를 요청하실 수 있습니다.

    Adress :
    지번주소) 서울 특별시 강남구 신사동 544-17
    신주소) 서울특별시 강남구 논현로153길 54
    Nonhyunro 153-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea 135-889
    Tel : 02-540-8698


  • Co Work & Sponsor

    "우리는 당신을 슈퍼플라이어 라고 말합니다."

    FLY BADGE: 플라이 배지

    구김스 컴퍼니는 2009년부터 한국타이어의
    ATLAS BX 레이싱팀 유니폼 및 각종 기어를 후원합니다.
    그들은 20명의 팀원들이 하나가되어 0.01초를 줄이기 위해
    수백가지의 아주 작은 변수들을 바꿔가며 테스트하고,
    경기를 컨트롤하기위해 엄청난 열정과 에너지를 쏟아내는
    그런 그들을 존경하게 되었습니다.
    그들의 캠프에는 눈에 보이는 수많은 물질적인 것들 외에도
    동기부여, 팀빌딩, 리더쉽과 같이 눈에 보이지않는
    긍정적인 요소들이 느껴집니다.
    이런 수많은 요소를 반복적인 조합을 통해 경기를 만들어가는
    그들의 가슴에 구김스 플라이 배지를 달 수 있어서 영광입니다.

    구김스 스폰서쉽은 속도 스포츠에만 국한되지 않습니다.
    구김스 컴퍼니는 모든 슈퍼플라이어를 응원합니다.

    *구김스는 한계를 뛰어넘는 슈퍼플라이어들의
    정신적 향상을 위해 수년간 팀 유니폼 및 워크웨어를
    디자인/공급하고 있습니다.
